
Automation & Control Engineering (Update note-2)

Automation and Control Engineering: Automation and control engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, and implementation of control systems for various applications. This field involves the use of control theory, computer science, and electronics to create systems that can control and automate processes. Examples of applications of automation and control engineering include robotics, manufacturing processes, and transportation systems.

Robot jointsDownload
Robot programDownload
Robot sensor Download
The degrees of freedomDownload

Robot Joints: Robot joints are the points at which the robot’s arms and other parts can move. The joints are typically powered by motors or actuators that allow the robot to move in different directions. There are several types of robot joints, including revolute joints, which allow for rotational movement around a fixed axis, and prismatic joints, which allow for linear movement along a fixed axis.

Robot Program: A robot program is a set of instructions that tells a robot what to do. These instructions are typically written in a programming language that is specific to the robot’s operating system. Robot programs can be used to control the robot’s movements, operate its sensors and other components, and perform other tasks.

Robot Sensor: A robot sensor is a device that allows a robot to perceive its environment. There are many different types of sensors that can be used in robotics, including cameras, infrared sensors, sonar sensors, and tactile sensors. These sensors allow the robot to detect and respond to changes in its environment, such as obstacles, changes in light, and the presence of other objects.

Degrees of Freedom: The degrees of freedom of a robot are the number of independent variables that can be controlled to move the robot’s end effector (the part of the robot that interacts with the environment) to a desired position and orientation. The degrees of freedom of a robot depend on the number and type of joints it has. For example, a robot with three revolute joints has three degrees of freedom, while a robot with a combination of revolute and prismatic joints can have up to six degrees of freedom. The more degrees of freedom a robot has, the more complex its movements can be.

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